Monday 23 June 2008

Snatch Thefts in Penang

2 Known Snatch Thefts in Penang in May and June 2008

Dear friends,

These are just two cases shared by members of the group. Surely there are many more out there. With the fuel price increase, it simply means that the ‘mat rempits’ and crooks increase their activity as well. It would be no surprise if the crime rates go up along with the price of food and everything else. So please take extra care everyone. Be smart and safe.

Case 1 // by Lik Chuen

When: 23 May 2008, Friday afternoon, around lunch time

Where: Jalan Service

What happened: One guy who's in office wear on a bike came from behind and rode away with cash and valuables worth up to RM800 plus minus from my friend. According to her, that guy doesn't even look like a criminal to the public eyes. Anyways he came from behind and caught my friend off guard by swerving in and took her handbag without any effort. It just happened with a blink of an eye! The horrible thing is, it happened while I was just a few meters behind! Thank god my friend's car keys were in her hands and she is safe and escaped the incident without a scratch.

Motorbike Plate Number: Too shocked to even notice.

Police report made: Yes right after it happened.

-The first thing you must do is to cancel your credit cards (if any) and phone line (if cellphone is in the handbag) right away!

-Lesson here is NOT to carry your handbag especially during lunch hour (come on ladies, you can powder up after you get back to the office right?)

Besides, just bring some cash, car keys, cellphone and packet of tissue will do, rather than being robbed of all your valuables (eg. digicam, iPod, PSP, debit cards, cash, etc)

-Obviously this is an on going occurrence and would normally happen to females who are oblivious to their surroundings. One has to smarten up and take heed of these petty snatch thieves!

-Come on people, I'm sure in some ways, yourself or some of your friends or relatives have had this kind of encounters before, so please share it.

Reenactment of snatch thieves in action.

Case 2 // by Vin Ong

When: 14 June 2008, Saturday morning, 3 am

Where: Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, EPF/KWSP Building

What happened: Friend finished clubbing at SS, The Garage, Upper Penang Road. Parked her car at the new EPF/KWSP building. Walked alone about 300m to her car. A bike with 2 guys came from opposite. One of them came down the bike and walked towards her. She's smart enough to continue walking towards them. The walking guy took out a blade and tried to slash her face. Her smart reflex move saved her face but not her ear. The guy didn't get anything as there were cars passing now. She ran to her car and drove away with the bleeding ear. She came across a police road block. Told the cops but the cops asked her to drive to the hospital. She then drove to a hospital. Her case was also reported in the Guang Ming newspaper.

Motorbike Plate Number: Not noticed

Police report made: Yes

If you know of any recent snatch thefts, do share at the group discussion board or mail to Share it so we can help raise even more awareness on the matter.

A friendly reminder brought to you by PINANG. Also at Facebook.

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